Issuing a professional license in KSA

professional license

The professional license or teacher‘s license in Saudi Arabia comes within the standards it has set to maintain the highest standards of quality in the educational process. The Kingdom has achieved many achievements in many sectors, and these achievements and investments are expected to double after the issuance of the updated investment law. At the top of these investments is investment in the education sector, so it is one of the attractive countries for foreign investment in the education sector. It is at the forefront of countries that seek to achieve quality education at all levels, and among these efforts is the selection of high-quality teachers. Therefore, a license is mandatory before joining the educational process. 


Content table 

How do I get a Professional license in Saudi Arabia?

How do I obtain a Professional license?

What are the conditions of the Professional license?

How long is a Professional license valid?

Teacher License Exam Forms in Saudi Arabia

Who is eligible to take the professional license test?



How do I get a professional license in Saudi Arabia?


Obtaining an Educational license in Saudi Arabia is not a complicated process, but you have to pass the following conditions: 


Obtaining a recognized educational qualification

Practical experience in teaching

Pass the Professional competency test  


How do I get a professional license?


You can obtain your license online simply by following these steps:


Submit an application through the Education and Training Evaluation Authority in Saudi Arabia.

Create an account in the professional license system for employees.

Register for the tests using your civil registration number.

Pass the tests, pay the  license fee.

Obtaining the license, renewed every 3 to 5 years.


What are the requirements for a teacher license?


To obtain a professional license, the applicant must meet the following conditions:


Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in the required specialization.

Pass professional exams.

Provide evidence of practical teaching experience.

Provide certificates of good behavior.

Pass personal interviews.

How long is a Professional license valid?


A license in Saudi Arabia is granted for a specific period of time ranging from two to five years, depending on the level of experience and performance on tests. The license must be renewed before it expires by submitting a renewal application and passing additional tests if necessary.


Professional license Exam Forms in Saudi Arabia


Licensing exams in Saudi Arabia include tests in key educational subjects, as well as pedagogical aptitude tests. Teachers can take advantage of the exam forms available on the ministry’s official websites or approved test preparation centers.


Who is eligible to take the professional license test?


The test for teachers in Saudi Arabia is eligible for certain categories of individuals who aim to work in the field of education in the country. The categories that are eligible to take the test include:


Current teachers: Teachers working in public or private schools in Saudi Arabia need to obtain a Educational license to continue teaching officially.

New graduates: University graduates with teaching or education degrees who want to start their careers in the field of education.

Teachers coming from abroad: Teachers who hold educational degrees and experience from outside Saudi Arabia and wish to work as teachers in the country.

Teachers seeking promotion: Current teachers who want to advance to higher teaching positions or obtain additional specializations also need to pass the the license test.

Individuals seeking a career change: People who want to transition into the teaching profession from other fields may need to obtain a license to confirm their qualifications.


All applicants must meet the requirements set by the Saudi Education and Training Evaluation Authority, which may include specific educational qualifications, practical teaching experience, and passing professional exams.




The Professional license  is compulsory to obtain if you are seeking to teach in Saudi Arabia, you can register through the online portal designated by the Ministry of Education, pass the required tests to obtain it, and start your career in a high-quality and high-standard environment. Contact Business Link to help you obtain your Educational license.
